Thursday, April 7, 2016


First person to message me with the reason 10100010010010101111000 is so special to me gets a prize.

(hint: I've cared for a long time)

Sunday, March 27, 2016

GUEST POST: Presidential Candidates and the Pets Who Know Them

As I previously explained, you are now reading the premier World Wide Web Site for information (such as reviews) regarding applications on the Android mobile telephone operating system.  Specifically, this site deals with Android OS Applications that are designed to mimic or "ape" reggae airhorns.  However some posts written by special guest writers will deal with topics other than Android reggae airhorn apps.  This is our first guest posting, written by none other than Me.  I didn't quite understand what the author meant when he proposed this idea to me, but as a good editor I know I have good writers, so I trusted Me.  Let's just take a little looksie now, what do you say?

Wanna Know Who to Vote For?  Easy, Just Use
Jeremy’s Politician’s Quality® of Pet™ Scoring System 
By Jeremy Shockey

(Portland, OR) Let's talk presidential pets.  You know that they say you can tell a lot about a person by observing their pets.  The current crop of remaining Republican and Democrat presidential candidates are all so similar in every way that I have had a hard time deciding who to throw my support behind.  Therefore, I have decided to utilize my Jeremy’s Politician’s Quality® of Pet™ Scoring System.  At the end, I will compare how each candidate scored according to Jeremy’s Politician’s Quality® of Pet™ Scoring System and make a (finally!) educated decision about who I will vote for.

Hillary Rodham Clinton
HRC used to have Buddy the labrador and Socks the cat, but since the
salad days of the 1990's, they have both moved on to the big White House Kennel in the sky (Big respect to Socks the Cat, who lived to be 20 human years!!) At first glance, the family has made a serious downgrade in terms of quality of pets.  Tally is a toy poodle.  BARF.  Maisie gets props for being a mutt, but she is a small yappy mutt, so she nets a negative score using Jeremy’s Politician’s Quality® of Pet™ Scoring System as well.  HOWEVER, 14-year-old labrador Seamus is still alive and kicking, and the inherent greatness of an old retriever who has lived a good life is enough to more than make up for two little yappy ratdogs.
Hillary Clinton’s Jeremy’s Politician’s Quality® of Pet™ Scoring System Score:   B+

Rafael Edward “Ted” Cruz
Ted Cruz had a little white yappy dog named Snowflake.  Of course he does.  The man is a shiny squishy personification of the worst that Texas has ever had to offer.  I would venture that Cruz has never shared a single tender moment with Snowflake, unless they have hunted rats together and bonded afterward, pausing to lick the warm rat blood off of each others’ faces and barking deep, sinister laughs.  Dude is super creepy.
Ted Cruz’s Jeremy’s Politician’s Quality® of Pet™ Scoring System Score: D-

Donald J. Trump
Drumpfie has no pets because he is a soulless monster who can only bond with greed and power and no animal will ever love him.  One might posit that his shitty hair actually is a squirrel and that might be considered a pet, or that his attitude toward women probably leaves him thinking about his many wives the way most people think about pets.  Hell, we could even insinuate that the man is powerful enough and evil enough that he probably has a secret island volcano lair with a whole laboratory creating hideous, Dr Moreau-style mutant creatures in an attempt to make an animal so dumb and patient that he can keep it as a pet for more than three hours without it requiring swift euthanasia from a compassionate staff member. But all I am actually going to say is that I should probably give Donald Trump a high score using Jeremy’s Politician’s Quality® of Pet™ Scoring System because his not owning pets is an act of mercy to every animal on Earth.  But instead I’m gonna give him a low Jeremy’s Politician’s Quality® of Pet™ Scoring System Score, because he is a dick.
Donald Trump’s Jeremy’s Politician’s Quality® of Pet™ Scoring System Score:  F

John Richard Kasich
John Kasich is still in this?  He doesn’t have any pets, and also I don’t want to take any time thinking or writing about him.
John Kasich’s Jeremy’s Politician’s Quality® of Pet™ Scoring System Score:  whatever, C- I guess, who cares.

Bernard “Bernie” Sanders
Bernie Sanders has stated that he does not have any pets.  While it would be a shame to waste the White House's gorgeous lawn by not having man's best friend scamping about, I trust that Senator Sanders had very good rationale for not currently having a pup.  Hell, he also doesn’t have a midddle name.  The man is efficient, too busy crafting solid policy to bother with any “middle name” nonsense.  In spite of his family’s dearth of fuzzballs, everybody by now has seen Bernie’s famous interaction with Portland’s own local hero Little Cheep Cheep Bird.  The whole thing illustrated that, personal ownership of a pet or not, Bernie is clearly a friend to all animals and has a heart so warm it could potentially be responsible for rising sea levels in the near future.  Thanks to Little Cheep Cheep Bird, Bernie manages to score a perfectly Presidential and respectable score using Jeremy’s Politician’s Quality® of Pet™ Scoring System.
Bernie Sanders’s Jeremy’s Politician’s Quality® of Pet™ Scoring System Score: B


Quite surprisingly, this exercise is literally the only litmus test I have applied during the entire campaign season where Hillary Clinton bests Bernie Sanders.  I must note,  however, that Seamus is getting a bit long in the tooth, and when his day of reckoning finally comes, the Clintons will be left with two little barkoholic ankle-biting rascals, and at that point Hillary's Jeremy’s Politician’s Quality® of Pet™ Scoring System Score will likely drop.  In due deference to the inevitable touch of the Reaper, in order to lucidly do what is best for the country, I sadly have to operate under the assumption that Seamus will die sooner rather than later.  

Therefore, I am proud to announce that after literally minutes of thinking about it, I am prepared to give my endorsement for President of the United States of America to the one and only Bernard “Bernie” Sanders!!!

Jeremy Shockey's views do not necessarily reflect those of Jeremy's Reggae Airhorn Android App Reviewz Direct 2 U, its editorial board, or the many very powerful Illuminati members who are secretly controlling Jeremy's Reggae Airhorn Android App Reviewz Direct 2 U

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Welcome to the Premier Reggae Airhorn Review Site on Most of the Internet?

You obviously want to get fuckin hype, unless you are professor who is collecting data and trying to remain impartial to the fact that it is frickin sweet that there are so many reggae air horn applications available on the Android platform.  And if you are a professor who is here to study, I vow to craft my reviews as scientifically accurate as possible so that your research can be accurate and we can help humanity adavance together.

Here are my promises to you, dear reader:

1)  By the time this page is complete (est. DOWWWSBC (Date of World Wide Web Site Being Completed, for those of you who don't surf the 'net much) August 24, 2032), I vow that this will be the place to go when pondering reggae airhorn apps*.

2)  In an effort toward product consistency, this site will be presenting reviews of reggae airhorn apps and maybe some commentary, op-ed style, pertaining to reggae airhorn apps** and how they touch peoples' lives.  What we will not be, however, is some juvenile World Wide Web clearinghouse of nonsense akin to  or  This site exists to bring you the best in reviews of cutting edge reggae airhorn apps, and we intend stick to that mission.  That being said, sometimes there will be guest writers who are allowed to go off topic a bit.  These will be people who I deeply admire, and as to avoid offending their sensitive artist souls, I won't be too strict about content with guest writers.

3)  Rap air horns will also be discussed.  And the occasional airhorn app that identifies neither with the reggae or rap genres, but would still sound bubblin' hot blasted over a dancehall version dubplate.  COMAGAIN SEE-LEH-CTAH!!!

4)  I promise there will be no ads until it seems like a profitable option.  At that point, I will be completely open to you using ad blocking software, but I will certainly include coding in the page that detects the ad blocking software and asks you for a shame donation.

5)  From time to time I will be including original graphics created by me on this website.  I solemnly vow that I will do my best to create as many of these images as I can in MSPaint, and for the times when that is not feasible, I vow to somehow make the graphics shitty in other ways.

So there you have it.  Welcome to the internet's premier source for hard-hitting reviews of Android reggae airhorn apps, and nothing but ace airhorn android app reviews.  Well, aside from the guest columns, which could be about almost anything.

*For the Android smartphone operating system.  I simply lack the resources or know-how to start exploring the wild west that is reggae airhorn apps for iOS or Blackberry or DOS Mobile.

**Again, we're talking about reggae airhorn apps for the Android only.  I just figured I would reiterate it if you were headed to a reggae DJ gig, realized you didn't have any good airhorn samples, and used your iPhone to look up reviews on this site so you could rock the party.  If I wasn't clear about the Android-only nature of the myriad apps I will be reviewing, that could potentially ruin your gig.